1849 Vendue List - William Wright, Perry Twp., Beaver Co., PA

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1849 Vendue List - William Wright, Perry Twp., Beaver Co., PA

Vendue List (sale of personal property upon the owner's death).

Name: William Wright

Date Filed: July 17, 1849

Surnames of buyers (as written in document) include: Hall, Rutter, Daubet, Bellas, Rambaugh, Hauffer, Pyle, Nealy, Carrel, Peffer, Stemits, Patterson, Myers, McGee

Items sold (as written in document) include: basket, horse shoes, sickles, harrow teeth, barrels, sadle [saddle], barrel salt, large iron kettle, skilet [skillet], tea kettle, stue [stew] pot, sugar bowl, coffee burner, coffy [coffee] boiler, bread baskets, looking glass, brass candlesticks, brush, buckwheat, corn, shavign knife, chisels, handsaw, oak board, hay forks, old plow, blind bridles, sled, gray mare, hogs, white faced cow, calf, bull, sheep, lambs, books, bookcase, mantle clock, chest, pickling tubs

Three pages, each measuring about 16 x 12 inches. Usual folds, paper is sturdy with a little chipping on open edge; about 2 inches of dampstain to one edge with some fading to writing there, but still legible. NO musty smell.

Additional images can be provided upon request.

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