St. Clair's Bedford : The History and Genealogy of Bedford County, Pennsylvania - Journals Many Issues 1980-1994
We have a number of years of the St. Clair's Bedford The History and Genealogy of Bedford County, Pennsylvania published by Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services out of Laughlintown, PA.
Buy 2 issues and get 10% off
Buy 3 issues and get 15% off
Buy 4 issues and get 20% off
Each individual issue is not pictured, but all are about 25-30 pages in length, folded in half and staple-bound. Cardstock covers feature a portrait of Arthur St. Clair. Typical contents include:
- Feature topic articles
- Transcriptions and excerpts of Bedford County and related historical records such as:
- Deeds and land records
- Naturalization records
- Directories
- Church records
- Cemetery records
- Will abstracts
- Vendue lists and estate inventories
- Administration abstracts
- Orphans Court abstracts
- Minute books
- Civil Court records (mostly 1760s-1800)
- Birth, marriage, and death records
- Old newspaper excerpts
- Tavern and other license records
- Local tax lists
- Militia tax exoneration lists
- Quarter sessions records
- More!
- Some issues feature a map or other illustration inside the front cover
- An index to surnames appearing in the issue
For each issue, we've included in the selection area a few unique highlights for that issue in addition to the above regular features.
These are clean and unmarked with the exception of occasional very small, neat checkmarks in the margins of a few issues.
This is NOT an exhaustive list of surnames included in the issues, but represents many of them.
Abraham Absalom Acker Ackerman Albaugh Aldstaat Alexander Allen Allison Altimu Amrine Anderson Appleby Armitage Armstrong Ashman Askins Badgley Baltimore Barclay Bartholomew Barton Beattie Beatty Beckwith Beeler Bell Bequit Bivens Blackburn Bollinger Bonjour Boor Both Bowel Bowman Bowser Boyle Breading Brewer Brice Brown Burd Butler Byerly Cable Cadwallader Caldwell Campbell Campble Carney Casheday Cavan Cavenaugh Cessna Chamberlain Chew Clapper Clark Clayton Cleaver Clerk Cluggage Cobalt College Conde Connolly Cook Coontz Cope Cornelius Coulter Cramer Crawford Crissman Croghan Cromwell Cromwell Croyal Cryder Culbertson Cunningham Custer D’Arman Dannaker Davidson Davies Davis Dean Dearment DeCooman Defibaugh Deiguard Deveny Dickey Diffenbaugh Diley Dixon Dlubec Dodson Dormit Dougherty Drennin Drenning Duncan Edmonstone Ellenberger Espy Evalt Farquhar Fauner Feight Feitwell Fetterly Fettys Fields Finley Fisher Fitzgerald Fletcher Fore Fraser Freeman Frere Funk Gaff Galbraith Gay Gephart Giffin Gilchrist Gist Graham Griffith Gripes Gross Grove Guillard Guttrey Hall Hamilton Hammer Hand Hanna Hardesty Harshberger Hartley Hay Hayden Hayden Heal Hemphill Henderson Henry Heppele Heureau Higgins Hill Hoag Hoke Homes Hooper Hoover Householder Howard Hueraux Huff Huger Humbler Huston Imler Jackson Jamison Jevery Johnson Johnston Jolly Justice Keaton Kenedy Kenton Kimmell King Kinnan Kinton Kirts Klotts Knoblehoff Koontz Kushto Lardner Latta Laughlin Leasure Lemur Leonard Levers Lewis Liddell Lilly Lindsay Lloyd Lochery Lochry Logan Long Loughry Lucas Lyon Machan Madden Magaw Main Mairs Man Mann Manspeaker May McAuley McCallister McCashlan McClay McClure McConnell McCurdy McElhinney McFadden McKee McKenzie McKnight McPherson Means Mellott Melott Menzies Metzgar Millegan Millekin Miller Milligan Mitchel Mitchell Montgomery Moore Moorhead Morgan Morgert Morrison Mullen Nagel Naugle Nelson Nesbit Newel Newton O’Conner O’Connor O’Neill Ormsby Oury Palmer Parker Paxton Pendergast Pendergrass Pendleton Penn Pentecost People Peters Petticoat Phillips Pierson Piper Pollock Prentice Primel Proctor Rankin Read Reed Reid Reighart Reiley Reily Reimund Reynolds Richer Rickle Rinard Ritchey Roads Roberts Robeson Robinson Rodgers Rose Ross Rowan Rowler Russell Ryder Rynehart Sam Samick Sammell Sample Sanson Schell Scott Sell Sells Shadacre Shaffer Shannon Shaw Shinwolf Shippen Shirey Shoemaker Shryock Sinclair Skinner Sloan Smallman Smith Snively Sollenbarger Southard Spark Sparks Spencer St. Clair Stiffler Stillwell Stull Swartz Swigart Swope Sydenham Syll Tatman Teagarden Theys Thompson Tilghman Tinnin Todd Turner Tyson Van Lear Waganer Walker Wallace Wallick Walling Ward Warder Warford Wartner Watson Waugh Way Weems Wertz White Whitnal Wilds Wilson Wolf Wolfe Wood Woods Wurters Wyrick Young Young